Completely obscure as a musical artist two years ago, “alt-Wave” (as I call his music) songwriter Jace Traz has steadily built a following for his melodically catchy 80-s echoing tunes with highly literate and amusing lyrics full of word play. Like most people, I became aware of Traz (who is also a very quirky visual artist) through the Sunday night jams at Relish at 2152 Danforth Ave. a block east of Woodbine in TO’s East York area.
For over a year now Traz has had a duo and sometimes band with bass player and singer Jillians Bare (as she calls herself on Facebook —she’s “Bare” and “All Dressed” at the same time, get it?) that is attracting an increasing following.
The band has drawn well for shows at Cherry Cola’s and The Horseshoe and Wed. returns to the club at 370 Queen W. for a 9 p.m. set.