It’s good to know that the excellent website started by Dan Brisebois, who died unexpectedly last week, will continue to exist and be updated.
Brisbebois, who was just 55 years old, “passed away unexpectedly” on Sat. October 4, according to an obituary published by his family in Cold Lake, Alberta, where a celebration of his life is planned for Friday October 17 at 1pm at Lakeland Inn.
I remember Dan as an active member of the Canadian Classic Rock group on Yahoo Groups for several years from shortly after the beginning of the millennium until Facebook took over social media. His passion for Canadian Rock music was unsurpassed by anyone and later was reflected in his creation of his website in 2010.
The site contains a rich history of Canadian bands and artists, primarily but not exclusively from the Rock scene, stretching back several decades to the era of the Toronto Sound in the 1960s and beyond and encompasses pretty much all the those who made a mark on that scene.
In addition to detailed histories of dozens of bands there are sections containing interviews with artists, lyrics to numerous albums, guitar tabs, midi tracks for many tunes, a memorial page and a daily music history feed.
According to Jim Mills, who owns the website domain and hosts it, he will be keeping it up.
There is also a Facebook group on which members can discuss the pertinent subject.
-By Gary 17,
[email protected] * [email protected]
Copyright 2020 by Gary Webb-Proctor/