Sam Taylor -Gary 17
It was at Linsmore Tavern, where he first appeared with his East End Love band about eighteen months ago now, that young up-and-coming Blues songwriter Sam Taylor first started to really hone his performance chops and expand his fan base.
Although he first came to my attention performing at the Sunday night jam at Relish, not far from the Linsmore, it was scoring a weekly Sunday afternoon spot filling in over the summer of 2014 for the band of veteran players that had been doing a weekly residency at Linsmore that really changed things for him. I’m happy to say I had a small hand in setting that up for him but it was Sam who seized the opportunity and used it to create a quick and amazing career evolution.
With his trio (that also includes Pop meister David Macmichael on bass and creative artist/drummer Jace Traz) Taylor not only held onto the older crowd that had been following the previous R&B band, he also began bringing in a younger generation of fans who likewise appreciated both his masterful guitar licks on Blues classics and his own soulful songwriting.
Since, then, as I wrote last year, Taylor has played a number of higher-profile venues, including the Beaches Jazz Festival last summer, done regular stints with Robbie Lane & The Disciples (he’s also appearing tomorrow at 9 a.m. on Lane’s radio show on AM740, btw) and recently released some long-awaited new recorded originals that you can find on his brand new website. An album is slowly coming together and I confidently predict here and now that it is going to be a stellar product that will be universally acclaimed even further accelerate his inevitable rise to real stardom.
This month, with the band of R&B veterans having left the Linsmore gig a few months ago and the spot vacant for the last little while, the club has now decided to start featuring not one group every Sunday but a rotation of fine talents, including Taylor and his campadres. It’s an inspired choice, as this room still holds a special charm for Taylor and his fans, it’s close to home for him and it’s bound to feel exciting to see him back where, along with Relish, his career really started to take off.
Taylor’s group starts the new monthly residency with today’s 6-9 show in the room at 1298 Danforth Ave. a few dozen steps from the Greenwood subway —close enough to walk to even in the bitter cold! Drinks are still pretty cheap here, there’s an arrangement in place to order in reasonably priced food from Morgan’s next door if your tummy starts to rumble and there’s no cover.
-Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
SHOW LISTINGS for Sunday, February 14, 2022:
Listings are organized by area in which shows take place and listed chronologically within each area field.
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchases. /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites. Advertisers’ listings are in larger highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings.
416 – Toronto Central
11am-2pm> Valentines Brunch with The Horables @ Free Times Café, 320 College St., TO
12-3> Excelsior Dixieland Jazz Band @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz
*12-2:30> Eli Pasic @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St., TO ~solo Blues piano
1> Toronto Improvisers Orchestra @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
3-5> Soozi Schlanger @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO ~original Pop
3> C Kenn; Oxford Blue @ C’est What, 69 Front St. E., TO ~pwyc
*3-6> Michael Brennan @ Graffiti’s, 170 Baldwin St. TO ~East Coast Rock/Blues Roots
3:30-6:30> Red Hot Ramble @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
*4:30-8> New Orleans Connection All Stars & guests @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave., TO ~New Orleans Jazz
5-9> Fleetwood Nicks @ Seven44, 744 Mount Pleasant Road, TO North ~Fleetwood Mac & Tom Petty Tribute; $10
5-7> More Love Songs & Poems with host Max Layton and musical guests David Hines; Mary Hanson; Ed Roth & more @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
6-7:30> Beth Anne Cole @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St., TO ~Jazz; $10/pwyc
*6-9> open mic with Eddy Culjak @ Fox & Fiddle Wellesley, 27 Wellesley St., TO
*7-1> Freefall Sundays Valentines Love Song edition open stage with hosts Steve York & Tony Rabalao (2 songs each -signup @ 7 or pre-sign online) @ The Supermarket, 268 Augusta St., TO
7> The Double Cuts @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO ~Western Swing
7-9:30> Marilyn Lerner Trio @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
7:30> Earl Call Jimmer @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO ~theatrical
8-9:30> Fergus Hambleton @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St., TO ~ Valentines love song Jazz; $10/pwyc
*8> open mic @ The Cavern Bar, 76 Church St., TO
9-11:30> June Garber with The Mark Kieswetter Trio @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St., TO ~Valentines Jazz; $
9:30> Hannah Barstow @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
*10> Horshack feat. Chris Caddell @ Orbit Room, 580 College St., TO ~Bluesy contemporary & classic Rock
10> Lina Allemano Four @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
10> New Grease Revival @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO
**10> Blues jam with Brian Cober, Bill Hedefine & guest bassist Stan Miczek @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave., TO
10:30> Scott Baragar @ The Hideout, 484 Queen St. W., TO ~indie Rock
416 – Toronto East
11-2> Liane Fainsinger for Valentines Jazz brunch @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave. TO East
1-11> Winterfolk Festival @ 5 venues on Danforth Ave. west of Broadview: Admission to any and all non-ticketed shows is via festival wristband – available for $15 at all venues
UPSTAIRS MAIN FLR 120 Danforth Ave. 185 Danforth Ave. 141 Danforth Ave.
1 | Nashville Bound with host Glen Hornblast Hour 1 – Peter Verity, Kat Goldman, Linda SasloveHour 2 – Meg Tennant, Tony Hanik, Billy Heffernan |
Best of the Moonshine Cafe
Hour 1 – Performers from The Moonshine Open Stage Hosted by Neil MacNaughton Hour 2 – Ladies of The Moonshine Hosted by Hour 3 – John Marlatt & Friends |
Winterfolk Open Stage Wristband not required hosted by Mark Yan – artists are welcome to sign up and play a few tunes. |
Tony Quarrington | The Bridge with Lynn Harrison: The Earth1:00 – 3:00 – A unique shared stage, where artists bring songs on the theme and the Reverend Lynn Harrison offers added inspiration from a wide range of wisdom sources. Come sing, listen and be inspired! With artists Clela Errington, Howard Gladstone, Sue and Dwight, Noah Zacharin, Allan Fraser, Brian Gladstone, Rosalee Peppard, Danny Marks and more.3:00 – 4:00 –The Bridge continued. Open stage – artists are welcome to sign up and play. |
1 |
2 |
Tribute to Ron Hynes
Host Grit Laskin fondly remembers the life and music of Ron, with artists Jory Nash, Ben Sures, Jon Brooks, Julian Taylor, Shawna Caspi, Tony Quarrington and more! |
2 | ||||
3 |
Murder Murder | 3 | ||||
4 |
Turbo Street Funk | Joanne Crabtree | Alana & Leigh Cline | Speak Music Presents Hosted by Beverly Kreller with Howard Druckman, as they showcase artists JoJo Worthington, Murder Murder, Clela Errington, Kristine Schmitt |
Life In A Small Town host David Storey /w Annie Sumi and Jon Brooks |
4 |
5 |
Soul Train w/Joey Landreth, Julian Taylor |
The Best of Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show with host Harpin’ Norm Hour 1 – David McLachlan, Linda Saslove, Sean Peever, Roger Zuraw Hour 2 – Raina Krangle, Aiden Devine, |
Jory Nash | Songtown Showcase Founder Pete Otis Presents artists that have appeared on the Songtown CDsHour 1 – Pat Little, John Romas, Pete Otis, Michael Bar Hour 2 – Peter Verity, Boris Buhot, James Sloan, Paul Cross |
5 | |
6 |
1st Seating 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Love Latino Style Enjoy Valentines Dinner to the Latin jazz sounds of Reservations Suggested (416)-778-7004 |
Cool Guitar Stuff
Rick Taylor, Mr. Rick, |
6 | |||
7 |
Acoustic Harvest
Valentine’s Day Showand Award Presentation Jane Lewis & Jason LaPrade Katherine Wheatley Rosalee Peppard Lotus Wight Brian Gladstone will present the 3rd annual Winterfolk Award for Long Term Contribution to Roots Music award to Lillian Wauthier of Acoustic Harvest, followed by a delightful Valentine’s Day concert. Doors open at. 7:00 pm. Arrive early for best seating. Music starts at 8:00 |
Ben Sures | Phil Ochs 75th Birthday Celebration and Tribute host Sebastian Agnello spins yarns and sings the songs of the late Phil Ochs with Sue & Dwight, Brian Gladstone, D’Arcy Wickham, Joanne Crabtree, Mark Yan, Keith McKie, David Essig & more | Stories in Song
Host Jory Nash with Annie Sumi, Laura Fernandez, Noah Zacharin |
7 | |
8 |
Noah Zacharin | 2nd Seating 8:00 – 10:00
Love Latino Style Enjoy Valentines Dinner to the Reservations Suggested (416)-778-7004 |
Alana & Leigh Cline | 8 | ||
9 |
Danny Marks | Smokin’ Guitars Host D’Arcy Wickham with Brian Gladstone, Wendell Ferguson and Noah Zacharin demonstrate a variety of guitar techniques and styles at this sizzling Toronto music performance. | Americana Pie
HOTCHA!, Mean Mary, Mr. Rick, Onion Honey, Kristine Schmitt Chow down on a tasty slice of old time musical flavour accompanied by some skillet lickin’ pickin’. This Americana pie is sure to make your eyes light up and yer tummy say Howdy!” Americana Pie continued to closing |
9 |
10 | Wendell Ferguson | Isabel Fryszberg | Sue and Dwight | 10 |
*2-5> tba @ Morgan’s, 1282 Danforth Ave., TO East ~Jazz
*3-6> open mic with Nicola Vaughan @ Hirut, 2050 Danforth Ave., TO East
*3:30-7:30> jam @ Black Bear, 1125 O’Connor Drive, TO East
4> iSpy @ Castro’s Lounge, 2116 Queen St. E., TO East
6-8> Mark Sepic @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave., TO East ~romantic classical/Jazz guitar stylings
*6-9> Sam Taylor & The East End Love @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave, TO East ~original & cover Blues
7> Tory Lanez; Ryan Hemsworth @ The Danforth Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave., TO East
*9-1> jam with the Stir It Up Band featuring Bryan Van Dusen & David Macmichael @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave., TO East
9> Watch This Sound @ Castro’s Lounge, 2116 Queen St. E., TO East ~vintage Jamaican music
416- Toronto Etobicoke
4-8> BG Rhythm Section featuring Gary Kendall + guests Jerome Godboo & Eric Schenkman @ Blue Goose Tavern, 1 Blue Goose Rd., Etobicoke South ~Blues/R&B
*10-2> jam with Rebecca Matiesen & Phoenix @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lakeshore Blvd. W., Etobicoke South
416 – Toronto Scarborough
2-8> Little Peter and the Elegants host Valentines dance @ Highland Creek Legion Branch 258, 45 Lawson Rd., Scarborough ~vintage harmony-rich Rock ‘n’ Roll [SOLD OUT]
*7-11> open jam @ McGradie’s, 2167 Victoria Park Ave., Scarborough
416 – Toronto West
**11-2> live Jazz brunch @ DeSoto’s, 1079 St. Clair Ave. W., TO West
*12-3> Julian Fauth’s Blues brunch @ Axis, 3048 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Blues
*12-3> The Cosmotones @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO West ~Rockabilly
**5-8> John Borra & Sam Ferrara w. guest @ The Communist’s Daughter, 1149 Dundas St. W. TO West ~Country
*5-8> Chris Coole @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~old-time Country Roots
5-8> Hello Darlings @ Gate 403, 403 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~originals & Grateful Dead tunes
8:30> Micah Barnes & Jackie Richardson @ Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Valentines Blues/Jazz (Day 2 of 2); $32
*8:30-11:30> Fraser Melvin Blues Band @ Fat City Blues, 890 College St., TO West ~Blues
8:30> “Leave Tinder Off” Valentines show with Kristin Fung & Friends @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W., TO West ~love songs; $10
9-1> The Ault Sisters @ Gate 403, 403 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~Jazz
9> Astrosurf @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~
9> Taylor Ashton @ Holy Oak Café, 1241 Bloor St. W., TO West
10> The Mercenaries @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO West ~retro Rock/Soul $
*3-7> acoustic open mic with Scott Rhodes @ The Pick and Shovel, 30 Water St., Cambridge
*9-1> jam @ Ivy Arms Pub, 201 Main Street East, Milton
*3-7> jam at CJ Barleys, 213 The Queensway, Keswick
3-6> Blue Valentine @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St., W., Peterborough
3> Chicken Pot Pi @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
905 East
*3-7> Jam with jam with hosts Still Sunday featuring Jim Cornell @ West Shore Bar & Grill, 877 Bayly St., Pickering
4-7> Lakeridge Dixie Stompers @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~ol’ time Country fun
*5-10> All-ages open jam with Juggernaut @ The Edge Lounge, 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax
*8:30-12:30> karaoke with The English Rose & The Mad Scotsman @ Pearson Pub, 101 Mary St. W. Whitby
*10> Another Round @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~Pop Rock
905 North
**1-3> Joe & Frank with guest performer @ Lake Simcoe Arms, 21089 Dalton Rd., Jackson’s Point ~Jazz
*1:30-4:30> Blaine Burnie, Mark Thackway & friends @ Coach House Pub, 3 Felcher Boulevard, Stouffville ~acoustic Roots
2> Raina Krangle; Loveisfree; Isabel Fryszberg for Newmarket Arts Council Songwriters Showcase @ Good Times Café, 17080 Bathurst St., Newmarket ~songwriters; $12
*3-7> open stage with Kevin Ker @ The Earl Of Whitchurch, 6204 Main St., Stouffville
*3-7> Daniel Davies Band hosts jam @ CJ Barley’s, 213 The Queensway South, Keswick
*4-8> open mic with backline & keys @ Yogi’s Bar, 1285 Elgin Mills Rd. E., Richmond Hill
*6-9:30> The Andy Earle Trio @ Big Daddy’s Newmarket, 446 Davis Drive, Newmarket ~Blues
905 South
2-6> Bay City Blues Band & guest Robin Banks @ Bay City Music Hall, 50 Leander Drive, Hamilton ~Blues; $5
905 West
**2-6> Country matinee with host Colin Connors and guest Shawn Brush @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington ~Country
*4:30-8> Chuck Jackson’s All Stars @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Blues
**5:30-8:30> The Stew @ Mulligan’s, 2458 Dundas St. W., Mississauga ~R&B/Rock
**7-11> The Nomads @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit
*7:30> open jam hosted by Troy Harmer @ The Brown Barrel, 1515 Upper Ottawa St., Hamilton
*8> open mic night with house band featuring Mike Shotton, Tim & Dave Johns @ Black Swan Burlington, 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington
*9-1> Tom Barlow Band @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~$
*10:30> Adam Cooke & The Adams Family @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington
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