cockandpheasant.com -NO!
It’s not because neither the Rock band Lefty And The Goons nor the Cock & Pheasant bar in Streetsville is a supporting subscriber to TorontoMoon.ca that we are refusing to include the listing of the former’s show at the latter’s venue tonight. It’s because the club —hopefully unbeknownst to the Lefty crew, which pretty much keeps to its own little social swirl— two weeks ago ripped off a band that contains two of my subscribers, prompting, on our subscribers’ Facebook group and elsewhere, an outpouring of bad experiences with the room from a number of other players —including several other subscribers.
This room —let me repeat their name: The Cock & Pheasant in Streetsville— will not have any of its shows listed ever until we can know with certainty that it has a new owner. This room is so incompetent or insouciant that it tells a band already set up and performing that because of the low revenue it can’t afford to pay them what was agreed and expects the bands to bring the crowd —while not even bothering to list any entertainment on its website or social media that we have been able to find.
Maybe Lefty will have a great show tonight and get paid what they expect and everyone will be happy. But based on the experiences of several talented, hard-working and promotion/community oriented performers I’ve heard from, they’ll be lucky to walk out with 10% of the gross bar take, so probably less than $200. And based on at least one band’s experience, they may just get told to go home after the first set with no pay at all.
I choose to believe that Lefty band members Angie Sandow and Lloyd Walsh didn’t know that the club has a reputation of ripping off bands when they booked the gig. Had they been subscribers, of course, I would have alerted them to the possibility of a problem as soon as I learned about the show, as I’ve done with several other folks (and also in cases where I become aware of double-bookings, saving a lot of people a lot of heartache and wasted effort/expense); though usually I do so privately, rather than in such a public manner as I’m bringing this disaster-in-waiting to light.
It’s shows like this one that underline to me why it is important that more people support what I am doing with TorontoMoon.ca. While yes, I’m earning some income from it (far short of what I would need to make a living only doing this or what the hours would net doing other things) this project is really all about promoting and nourishing the local live music scene, about helping the music community to be more aware of itself.
While yes, Facebook and other social media has a hugely beneficial role to play in “getting the word out,” the problem with relying solely on that is that things get lost in a jumble —and if you take any time off at all you’re going to miss a whole lot of important stuff you need to know about. I’m friends with the Lefty folks on Facebook and possibly so are some of the other players jerked over by this club —but because of the algorithms used, that didn’t help save them from playing a gig that may well end in anger and disappointment but that at the very least will earn them scorn from other players they know, who will be offended by them playing such a shit hole.
Being part of the TorontoMoon.ca community can help to connect people in a meaningful way that benefits everyone. That was the original concept back in 1992 when I started it (24 years ago!) as The Open Season until 1993, then to-nite till 2009 and subsequently Toronto Moon.
The original concept was born way before the ascendance of the internet, which has changed things in many respects but hasn’t really, after all is said and done, replaced or usurped the need for a news/information source that is comprehensive, credible, consistent, archived and searchable. It’s not rocket science. And it’s way past time that some slow learners caught on.
The reason why, after 16 years as an ad-supported publication, in 2008 I switched to a subscriber-funded model is that it’s the only way that we can “tell it like it is” (or at least as we see it) without fear or favour —even if from time to time some subscribers may have their nose put out of joint when we share uncomfortable observations. And internet or not, there’s no one else paying as much attention to this scene as we do and have for 24 years now.
If you’re satisfied with a jumble of Twits, FacePosts, Instagrabs and Tumbles as your information source about the industry and community that you call home, then just don’t be surprised when out of the blue someone rises up and slams you because you walked into a hornets nest that you were completely unaware of.
-Gary 17, TorontoMoon.ca
SHOW LISTINGS for Saturday, March 19, 2022
Listings are organized by area in which the shows occur and within each area field shows are listed chronologically.
Listings preceded by an asterisk (*) are repeating weekly events. (Double asterisk indicates repeating event with different hosts/guest/etc.). Events preceded by question mark (?) usually take place but have not been confirmed. Admission prices followed by a slash and minus (/-) after the amount indicates door charge with availability of cheaper rates for some purchases. /+ indicates stated price is minimum.
Names of subscribers appear in bold, are underlined and, where applicable, include a live link to their websites. Advertisers’ listings are in larger, highlighted type, include live link to website and also have ad icon included in listings.
416 - Toronto Central
*12-3> The Sinners Choir @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
*2> Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show open stage with Brian Gladstone @ Free Times Café, 320 College St. TO ~Roots
3> The Boxcar Boys @ C’est What, 67 Front St. E., TO ~traditional Jazz; $pwyc
3> Jamzac @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
3:30> Jerome Godboo @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
*4-7> Climax Jazz Band @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St., TO North ~Dixieland Jazz;$
4> York Jazz Ensemble @ Seven44, 744 Mount Pleasant Road, TO North
*4:40-7:30> The Happy Pals @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave., TO ~New Orleans Jazz
6-8> Danielle Bassels @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St., TO ~Jazz; $10/pwyc
6:00> Grier Coppins @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO
7:30> Justin Bacchus @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
8:30> Brother Neil @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St., TO ~Folk
8:30> Herbie Hancock Tribute, feat. Nick Maclean Quartet @ May Café, 876 Dundas St. W., TO ~$15
8:30> Chris Scian “Earth Hour Unplugged” @ Joe Mama’s, 317 King St. W., TO ~indie Pop
*8:30-12:30> All Star Band feat. Joe Bowden & Brooke Blackburn @ Nawlins, 299 King St. W. TO ~Blues
9> Enzo Boldrini Duo @Brazen Head, 165 East Liberty Street, TO
9> Cadre @ C’est What, 67 Front St. E., TO ~Uprooted roots; $pwyc
9> The Ugly Horse @ Dominion Pub, 500 Queen St. E., TO
9> The Kerouacs; The Zills; Womb and Secret Special Guest @ Cameron House (rear), 408 Queen St. W., TO
9-11:30> Rebecca Binnendyk debut, Some Fun out of Life @ Jazz Bistro, 251 Victoria St., TO ~Jazz-pop songwriter
9> The Joshua Piche Band @ Irish Embassy, 49 Yonge St., TO ~Pop Rock
9-2> New Fries; Hand Cream; Bile Sister; Palsmalab @ The Silver Dollar, 486 Spadina Ave., TO ~indie; $
9> Stephen Stanley Band @ Graffiti’s, 170 Baldwin Ave. TO
9> Kasador; The Luke Austin Band; The Sleepover; Gold Complex @ Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St. W., TO ~$10
9> Civil Serpents; Sissy Spaceship; Zombie Porpoises Of The Labour Movement @ Monarch Tavern, 12 Clinton St., TO ~80’s, 90’s, hits; $5
9> Jack Marks @ The Cavern Bar, 76 Church St., TO
9:30> The Dawgs @ Seven44, 744 Mount Pleasant Road, TO North ~Rock/Top 40; $
9:30> Lady Kane @ Alleycatz, 2409 Yonge St., TO North ~Funk/Soul/R&B; $10
9:30> Forever Man @ Scruffy Murphy’s Pub, 150 Eglinton Ave. E., TO North ~Eric Clapton tribute
9:45> NYC’s Dave Liebman with Mike Murley Quartet @ The Rex, 194 Queen St. W., TO ~Jazz; $
*9:45> Tyler Yarema & His Rhythm @ Reservoir Lounge, 52 Wellington St. E., TO ~Jazz/Blues; $
10> Ride The Tiger @ Orbit Room, 480 College St. TO ~Funk/Soul; $
10> Combo Royale @ Cameron House (front), 408 Queen St. W., TO ~Blues
10> Love Handle feat. Dave Campbell @ Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W., TO; $10
10> Guhl @ Tranzac Club (Southern Cross), 292 Brunswick Ave., TO
10> The Gormley Brothers @ Bier Markt Esplanade, 58 The Esplanade, TO
10-2> Mike McDonald @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave., TO ~
10> London Stone Tree Museum; Chuckline Rider, Jaguar @ Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W., TO
10:30> Jeff Eager Band @ Bier Markt King, 600 King St., West, TO ~Pop Rock
10-2> Mike McDonald @ Grossman’s, 379 Spadina Ave., TO ~Blues
10:30> Frank Ryan @ The Hideout, 484 Queen St. W., TO ~indie Rock
11-2> Ori Dagan @ 120 Diner, 120 Church St., TO ~Jazz
11> Shake A Tail @ Sneaky Dee’s, 431 College St., TO ~indie
416 - Toronto East
3> The Porchdog Choir @ Salty Dog Bar, 1980 Queen St. E., TO East ~Rockabilly
*3:30-6> Johnny Wright @ Outriggers, 2232 Queen St. E., TO East ~R&B
*4-7:30> Ronnie Hayward Trio @ McQueen’s, 993 Queen St. E., TO E. ~Blues/Roots
6-8> Thelonious Hank @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E., TO East
8?> Andrew Fetterley Duo @ Murphy’s Law Pub, 1702 Queen St. E., TO
8> One City Social Boogie @ The Only Café, 972 Danforth Ave., TO East
8:30> Hell N Back featuring James Alcock (AC/DC tribute); Keep The Faith (Bon Jovi); Rock and Roll Over (KISS) @ Opera House, 735 Queen St. E., TO East ~tribute night; $15
*8:30> open mic with host Jenn Kee @ The Grover Pub, 676 Kingston Rd., TO East
9-12> Mike Danckert @ The Feathers, 962 Kingston Rd., TO East ~songwriter
9-11> Gyles @ Old Nick Pub, 123 Danforth Ave., TO East ~songwriter
9> Tim Bovaconti Big Band @ Dora Keogh, 141 Danforth Ave., TO East
9> Wonderland @ The Eton House, 710 Danforth Ave., TO East ~Rock/Pop
9-11> Lights Out with Mill Street & Edgar Breau @ Relish, 2152 Danforth Ave., TO East ~songwriter
9:30> The Gunslingers @ Linsmore Tavern, 1298 Danforth Ave., TO East ~Tribute to GNR; $10
9:30> Nathan McDonnell Duo @ An Sibin Pub, 709 Queen St. E., TO East ~Pop Rock
10-3> I Hate You Rob @ Castro’s, 2116 Queen St. E., TO East ~Blues/Roots
10> The Terminators @ Bier Markt Don Mills, 7 O’Neill Rd., TO East ~Pop Rock
416 – Toronto Etobicoke
*3-6> Danny B Band @ Blue Goose, 1 Blue Goose St., Etobicoke South ~R&B/Blues
**4-8> The Essentials with guest Brooke Blackburn @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lake Shore Blvd. W. Etobicoke South ~Rock-R&B
*4-8> The Meteors with Donnie Meeker @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line, Etobicoke South ~Blues/Rock/R&B
7:30> Jay Danley Trio @ Old Mill Inn, 21 Old Mill Rd., Etobicoke ~Jazz; minimum table charge
8> Unearth; Ringworm; Fit For An Autopsy; Culture Killer; Great American Ghost @ The Rockpile, 5555 Dundas St. W., Etobicoke ~Fury Tour 2016
9> Happy Pants @ Blue Goose Tavern, 1 Blue Goose Rd., Etobicoke South ~Pop Rock
9> Material Men @ Timothy’s Pub, 344 Brown’s Line, Etobicoke South ~80’s Pop Rock; $
9:30> The Coveralls @ Refinery Public House, 3039 Lake Shore Blvd. W., Etobicoke ~Pop Rock
10-2> The Cronics @ Southside Johnny’s, 3653 Lake Shore Blvd. W. Etobicoke South ~Rock featuring members of Hell’s Bells
10> Shyann @ Bier Markt Etobicoke, 199 North Queen St., Etobicoke ~Pop Rock
416 – Toronto Scarborough
*3-6> Still Sunday hosts Rock/Blues jam with guest Greg Godovitz of Goddo @ The Loaded Dog, 1921 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough
9-1> Fat Tony @ Black Dog Pub, 87 Island Rd., Scarborough ~ Pop Rock
*9:30-2> karaoke with The English Rose & The Mad Scotsman @ Winners, 2181 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough
9:30> Johnny Mac @ Kornerstones, 1601 Birchmount Ave., Scarborough ~Rock/Top 40
416 - Toronto West
*12-3> Julian Fauth’s Blues Brunch @ Axis, 3048 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Blues
**2-6> open mic with guest host Will Wall @ Magic Oven, 347 Keele St., TO West
**5-8> Bill Heffernan’s Saturday Sessions with featured guest Chris Staig & The Marquee Players @ Gate 403, 403 Roncesvalles Ave. TO West ~Folk/Country/Blues
5-7> Evans and Dennett @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~Old Tyme
6> Pick Yer Poison @ Junction City Music Hall, 2907 Dundas St. W., TO West ~$5
8> Café Concert: An Experimental Puppetry Cabaret with Lido Pimienta @ Burdock, 1184 Bloor St. W., TO West ~Music and puppetry ~$12
8-10> Alex Mason @ Humble Beginnings, 3109 Dundas St. W., TO West ~acoustic Roots/Blues/Pop
8:30> Anthony Gomes @ Hugh’s Room, 2261 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Original Blues; $30
9-1> Sweet Derrick Blues Band @ Gate 403, 403 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~ Blues
9> Devon @ The Tennessee, 1554 Queen St. W., TO West
9> Patti Cake; Buckets Of; Hex Fires Of Cheektowaga @ Junction City Music Hall, 2907 Dundas St. W., TO West ~$10
9> The Lord Almightys; Pale Lips; Wave Of Terror @ Smiling Buddha, 961 College St., TO West
9-11:15> Nichol Robertson and his Honkeytonk Boogaloo Boys @ The Local, 396 Roncesvalles Ave., TO West ~Instrumental Country Pop
9:30> Still Sunday feat. Jim Cornell & Earl Johnson of Moxy @ The Cat, 3153 Dundas St. W., ~Pop Rock/Top 40 ~Top 40, R&B, Funk
9:30> Pudding Band @ Fat City Blues, 890 College St., TO West ~
9:30> Enzo Boldrini Duo @ Brazen Head Pub, 165 East Liberty St., TO West ~Pop Rock
10> Julian Fauth-Ken Yoshioka Trio also featuring Dave McManus @ On Cue Billiards, 349 Jane St. TO West ~Blues
10> Aline Morales Trio @ Remix Lounge, 1305 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Brazilian
10> Funk The H8rz @ Holy Oak Café, 1241 Bloor St. W., TO West ~pop Rock Hip-Hop Soul
10-2> The Mercenaries @ Dakota Tavern, 249 Ossington Ave., TO West
10:30> “Mill Street Lights Out 2016” with Richard Underhill @ Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W., TO West ~Salsa; $15
3-6> Ian Andrews and the Smokin Scoundrels @ Brando’s Beach House, 135 Market St., Brantford ~Rockabilly Crooner
8> Ozone Baby featuring Phil Naro @ Maxwell’s, 35 University Ave. E., Waterloo ~Led Zep tribute
9> Jenny Howes Duo @ Fionn MacCool’s Kitchener, 4287 King St. E., Kitchener
9> Mandipall @ Fionn MacCool’s Guelph, 494 Edinburgh Rd. S., Guelph ~Pop
9:30> Tim McIntosh @ Fionn MacCool’s Orangeville, 75 Fourth Ave., Orangeville ~Pop
3> Repair Cafe Peterborough @ The Spill, 414 George St., Peterborough
5> Rick & Gailie @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
5-7 Chester Babcock @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St. W., Peterborough ~Ukulele Blues Virtuoso
8:30> Rob Phillips Band @ Black Horse Pub, 452 George St. N., Peterborough
9> Mo’Vista @ The Huron Club, 94 Pine St., Collingwood
9> Outta Space with Hidden Moon; Velvet Bison; Todd Jaxon @ The Spill, 414 George St., Peterborough
9> Manitoba Hal @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St. W., Peterborough
9> The Delaware String Band @ The Garnet, 231 Hunter St. W., Peterborough
9:30> Memphis Mudd @ Sticky Fingers Dunlop, 150 Dunlop St. W., Barrie
9:30> “24-Hour Music Project”: 5 Bands, 20 minute sets, playing songs composed during 24-hours marathon composition jam @ Red Dog Tavern, 189 Hunter St. W., Peterborough
905 East
*3-6> The Quartet @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~Pop Rock
*4> PRJ @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St., Oshawa ~Blues
*9-1> karaoke with Rob MacArthur @ Tudor Rose, 700 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax
9> Ken Barclay @ The Corral, 433 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa ~Country
9-1> Last Chance @ Simcoe Blues & Jazz, 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
9-1> “Mill St. Lights Out” with Sean Steinhart @ Tap and Tankard, 224 Brock Rd. S., Whitby ~Rock/Pop
9> Melissa Payne; Jesse Stack; January Lane @ The Moustache Club, 15 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa
9:30> Midnight Jewel featuring Brian Potts on bass @ West Shore, 877 Bayly St., Pickering ~Blues
9:30> 2 For The Show @ The Edge, 250 Bayly St., Ajax ~Rock10> Deuce @ Tartan Tavern, 555 Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa ~Pop Rock
10-2> The Philco’s @ Whisky John’s, 843 King St. W., Oshawa
905 North
8-11> Between The Static @ Yogi’s Bar, 1285 Elgin Mills Rd. E., Richmond Hill ~Pop Rock
8:30> The Errol Organs Band @ Spot One, 289 Rutherford Rd. S., Brampton ~Bob Marley tribute
9> Shoot From The Hip @ Muddy Water Hotel, 25 Main St. W., Beeton ~Pop Rock
9-1> Nosmo King @ Oscar’s Roadhouse, 1785 Queen St. E., Brampton ~Pop Rock/Top 40 ~CCR, Beatles, Stones
9> Therapy Seekers @ Fionn MacCool’s Newmarket, 17315 Leslie St., Newmarket ~Pop
9:30> Groove Marmalade @ Jake’s Boathouse Brampton, 59 First Gulf Rd., Brampton ~Pop Rock
9:30> iHeart @ Aw Shucks, 15230 Yonge St., Aurora ~Heart tribute
*11> DJ Ozne (Enzo Simone) @ Britannia Pub, 7359 Yonge St., Thornhill
905 South
**2> Blues Series with special guest Michael Schatte @ Donnelley’s Pub, 54 Front St., Thorold ~Blues
*2-6> jam w. Tom Finocchio @ Sam’s Place, Barton-Chestnut Sts., Hamilton
**2:30> special guest Joel Johnson with The Mighty Duck Band @ The Golden Pheasant, 244 Ontario St., St. Catharines ~R&B/Blues
**2:30> Blues Matinée @ Coach & Lantern (upstairs), 384 Wilson St E., Hamilton ~Blues
8> “Regresstival” with Will Gillespie; Hanna Bech; Willow Rutherford @ Homegrown Hamilton, 27 King William St., Hamilton
8> Tom Dusome by candlelight @ Artword Artbar, 15 Colbourne St., Hamilton ~Music and stories
8> Crank @ Pub Fiction, 1242 Garner Rd. W., Ancaster ~Rock/Top 40
9> Of Gentlemen & Cowards @ Coach & Lantern, 384 Wilson St E., Hamilton
9> The Fat Cats with Burt Neilson Band; Aqueous @ This Ain’t Hollywood, 345 James St. N., Hamilton; $
**9> Niagara Rhythm Section @ The Old Winery, 2228 Niagara Stone Rd., Niagara-On-The-Lake ~R&B/Blues
9:30> Joel Johnson @ The Golden Pheasant, 244 Ontario St., St. Catharines
9:30> International Touring Artists @ Corktown Pub, 175 Young St., Hamilton
10> The Postmen @ Doc Magilligan’s Irish Pub, 6400 Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls
905 West
**2-6> Sil Simone Band with special guest Tony Paglia @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington ~Rock/Blues
**2-6> Saturday Blues Sermon with James Anthony & Harrison Kennedy @ Black Swan Pub Burlington, 4040 Palladium Way, Burlington ~Blues
*3-7> jam with Michelle Deneault & Redder @ Port Credit Legion, 35 Front St., Port Credit
*3-7> open stage jam @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville; $2
*4-8> Lost Vegas @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~
8-12> Organic Balkanic Band @ Moonshine Café, 137 Kerr St., Oakville ~Balkan Gypsy Folk Fusion; $15
8:30-12:30> Joe Reynolds Band & guest @ Red Lion Bar, 1077 North Service Rd., Mississauga ~Blues/R&B
9> Synsonic @ Fionn MacCool’s Oakville, 350 Dundas St. E., Oakville ~Pop
9> Dirty Pioneers @ Fionn MacCool’s Burlington, 2331 Appleby Line, Burlington ~Pop Rock
9> Pop Machine @ Carrigan Arms, 2025 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington ~Pop Rock
9:30> Bob Sherwood’s Project 360 @ Sixth Line Pub, 1500 Sixth Line, Oakville
9:30> Pat Hewitt @ Shore Grill, 71 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Pop Rock/Top 40
9:30> The Electric Merchants @ The Franklin House, 263 Queen St. S., Streetsville ~Pop Rock
9:30> Tim Park Duo @ Gator Ted’s, 1505 Guelph Line, Burlington ~acoustic Pop
9:30> Midlife Crisis @ Boston Manor, 4460 Fairview Ave., Burlington ~Rock/Top 40
10-2> Tomahawk Love @ Roc’n Doc’s, 105 Lakeshore Rd. E., Port Credit ~Rock/Top 40; $
10:15> Shawn Steinhart @ Failte, 201 City Centre Dr., Mississauga
10:30> Tomi Swick and Strummers Union @ The Dickens, 423 Elizabeth St., Burlington ~Pop Rock
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